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Cartridges (modules) are consumables for PMU, which makes the process of applying pigment simple, fast, and painless. Cartridges for permanents differ in thickness, configuration, number of needles in the soldering, and degree of sharpening. There are many popular brands in the modern beauty market that produce materials for permanent makeup using modern technologies and materials. Which of them inspire confidence among experienced craftsmen, and which cartridges are suitable for tattooing lips, eyebrows, and eyelids, we will talk in more detail in our article.
Modular Permanent Makeup Cartridges
Permanent make-up (tattooing) is a great alternative to everyday make-up, however, permanent make-up excludes the main stage of beauty - the use of decorative cosmetics. The peculiarity of the procedure lies in the fact that with the help of a special tattoo machine for permanent makeup, the PMU artist lays the pigment into the upper layers of the epidermis. As a result, an indelible make-up is formed on a certain part of the face, which lasts at least 1.5 - 2 years. How long permanent makeup of eyebrows, lips, and eyelids lasts depends on various factors: the state of the immune system, skin type, care features, etc.
Previously, PMU artists used special permanent needles to apply pigment, but today they have been replaced by a more convenient and practical device - cartridges or modules. In fact, these are the same needles, the only difference is that the beam is not soldered onto a bar, but is built into a plastic case, which is attached to the machine with a secure mount. Modules for permanent makeup are ideal for rotary machines, but there are PMU artists who do not refuse to work with induction models.
Let's take a closer look at the design of modules. The cartridge is a case made of medical plastic, which includes:
- a separate container for dye;
- spring mechanism that provides smooth movements and smoothes the amplitude;
- membrane;
- single or soldered needles.
Cartridges for PMU are disposable consumables that are disposed of after work. Each module is packed in a sterile package, which is opened in front of the client before the procedure. Sterile modules prevent the penetration of pigment particles and blood into the body of the tattoo machine, which provides reliable protection not only for the client but also for the beauty artist.
Advantages of using modules for PMU:
- simplicity and convenience in work;
- no risk of infection, subject to the rules of operation;
- the most accurate, jewelry application of pigment;
- a large range of models from world brands that allows you to solve any problems of permanent makeup.
Types of cartridges and tattoo needles
It will be difficult for a novice tattoo artist to navigate the numbers, letters, and meanings on the package. We will try to make things easier for you. So, the modules differ in the following parameters:
- thickness;
- configuration;
- the number of needles in the soldering;
- degree of sharpening.
The size of the pixel at the output directly depends on the thickness of the needle - the larger the diameter of the needle, the larger the pixel. On packages, as a rule, you can find the following values: 0.25, 0.3, 0.35. Some brands, for example, MAST, have different markings: 8, 10, and 12. Accordingly, 0.25 = 8, 0.3 = 10, 0.35 = 12.
Let us dwell in more detail on the main diameters and the features of their use:
- 0.25 is ideal for aging, thinned skin. Allows you to create a soft shading, well suited for the PMU eyelids.
- 0.3 - universal size, which is convenient for permanent makeup of lips, eyebrows, and eyelids.
- 0.35 - suitable for porous, oily skin, as it leaves the largest pixel. This diameter is not recommended for eyelids.
Next, come the numbers responsible for the number of needles in the soldering. For permanent make-up, needles /01 (one needle) and 03 (3 needles per module) are suitable.
The commissure configuration tells how the needles are positioned in relation to each other:
- RL (Round Liner). Round soldering is most often used in a permanent for finer contouring.
- RS (Round Shader). The needles of this configuration are arranged in parallel. Used to blend pigment in limited areas.
- M (Magnum). Filling needles, which, in turn, are divided into M1, are flat, diverge at the ends in a checkerboard pattern, and are convenient for soft shading. M2 - two-row, suitable for deep coloring.
- RM (Round Magnum). Soldering in the form of a semicircle, suitable for soft shading.
The type of sharpening is the length of the sharp part of the needle. Sharpening types are:
- Long - LT. Makes punctures of small diameter, the best option for ultra-thin lines.
- Medium - MT. Universal sharpening, which can be used for any work with PMU.
- Short - ST. Makes a puncture of large diameter, used for dense coloring.
Which cartridges should a PMU artist choose?
Many tattoo artists who appreciate quality, convenience, and comfort in their work choose:
- Defender cartridges. Module needles are made of Japanese surgical steel and sterilized with ethylene oxide. Defender cartridges are of American quality, have ease of use, and have painless manipulation. With them, your lines will always be neat, soft, and as natural as possible.
- Bulldog cartridges. Country of origin - UK. Bulldog cartridges are equipped with sharp needles made of Japanese surgical steel. The double membrane module with reliable stabilization provides comfort and precise application.
- Mast Pro cartridges. Professional modules from the Chinese brand Dragonhawk are made of silicone. The body and the needle are of a one-piece design, providing a smooth supply of pigment during operation. Mast Pro cartridges are easy to use, do not injure the skin, and are compatible with all models of machines.
- Kwadron cartridges. Cartridges for rotary typewriter Kvadron (Poland) are distinguished by reliability, high precision, and affordable price. The system of modules is a sharp needle made of medical steel, which allows you to work out areas as accurately and accurately as possible, minimally injuring the skin.
Where can you buy cartridges (modules) for permanent makeup?
The online store of professional cosmetics Beauty Hunter is a giant platform, the range of which is regularly updated with new products that are in demand among professional beauty artists. Now a new section has appeared on the Beauty Hunter website - "PMU". Here you will find everything you need for a professional tattoo:
- tattoo machines;
- pigments from world brands;
- cartridges;
- anesthesia;
- means of protection and care;
- disposable consumables, etc.