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Instrument sterilization solutions

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A sanitizer and a solution for sterilizing hands and instruments are indispensable assistants that provide reliable disinfection from harmful, dangerous virus,es, bacteria, fungi and other pathogens. On the website of the Beauty Hunter branded online store, each eyebrow artist, makeup artist, and eyelash lamination artist can buy a solution for sterilizing instruments, as well as a hand sanitizer that meets all standards.

Products for sterilizing instruments

Disinfectant solution for the treatment of tools and work surfaces effectively destroys pathogenic infection, guaranteeing the safety of any procedure. On the website of the Beauty Hunter online store, you can buy disinfectants from the following manufacturers:

  • АХД. It is recommended to buy АХД for those who work with large daily client flows. Antiseptics from this manufacturer are suitable not only for processing tools, and work surfaces but also for disinfecting hand skin. The agent is characterized by virucidal (hepatitis B, C, HIV), bactericidal, tuberculocidal, fungicidal activity
  • Blanidas (Blanidas). Universal aldehyde-free non-chlorine agent for disinfection and treatment of all types of surfaces, as well as tools. The antiseptic has a prolonged antimicrobial effect. This effective tool soak solution removes mechanical, protein, grease, and material residues from external surfaces.
  • Biolong. Universal des. solution for tools from the company Biolong quickly and easily cope with pathogens, be it viruses, bacteria, or fungi. Suitable for cleaning surfaces made of steel, metal, plastic, glass, leather, etc.
  • Okis. Okis Hard Surface Cleaner-Disinfector quickly destroys viruses and bacteria on all surfaces, including the skin of the hands. Alcohol-based antiseptic.
  • InLei. The In Lei brand has created a ready-made liquid disinfectant that effectively removes dirt from any surface. Also, the solution can be used to disinfect instruments and reusable materials.


How to disinfect tools for a beauty artist

Reusable instruments used in any invasive procedures must be thoroughly disinfected after each use. Antiseptic disinfection of surfaces and materials is an integral part of any cosmetic procedure.

The technology of disinfecting the treatment of instruments involves compliance with the following rules:

  • Disinfection. Pour a disinfectant solution into a container for soaking tools, then immerse all used equipment in it.
  • pre-sterilization treatment. Using special brushes, it is necessary to thoroughly clean all the tools, trying to process hard-to-reach areas. After that, all products must be rinsed under running water and wiped dry with a paper towel.
  • Sterilization. The final stage of instrument cleaning is sterilization. All tweezers, scissors, tweezers, etc. are placed in kraft paper bags, and then into the sterilizer. Under the influence of high temperatures, all remaining microorganisms are destroyed. The sterilized instrument is ready for further use.

Manufacturers of accessories for beauty artists have taken care of the convenience of specialists and the safety of customers by creating disposable supplies for make-up artists, eyebrow artists, and lamination artists. After use, all disposables are immediately disposed of, so that the steps of sterilization and disinfection are automatically eliminated.

Makeup brush disinfection

The disinfectant for brushes effectively removes cosmetic residues, bacteria, and other impurities from the villi that are inevitable when applying makeup. Brush cleaners from the brand Okis Brow delicately disinfect the pile from various cosmetics and can be used for both synthetic and natural materials.

Professional shampoo for brushes Masterra Express brush cleaner helps to effectively remove all types of cosmetics, has an antibacterial effect, gently cares for the pile, and is suitable for regular use.

Hand Sanitizers

The Zola company has created a convenient, compact hand sanitizer that quickly destroys bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms do not dry out the skin, and has a gentle composition. The website of our online store offers a large selection of sanitizers with pleasant, refreshing aromas.
