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Lip liners

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Lip liner

The idea of ​​what shape, volume, and color of female lips are the standard of attractiveness has changed dramatically through the ages. At the same time, without a doubt, the truth remained that it was the lips that were the most seductive part of the face. What tricks did women resort to in order to highlight this detail and add juiciness and magnetism to their image?

To make lips brighter, makeup more resistant, and a smile even more expressive - all this, and even more, can be done with one single tool in the makeup artist's arsenal. The lip pencil helps to model their size, play with the shape, create the desired volume, emphasize the natural contour, and be calm about the durability of the lipstick/gloss - isn't it magic?!

What is a lip liner for?

In fact, it is difficult to overestimate its multitasking. Before you buy a lip pencil, you should decide on the goals that you want to achieve with it, and even better, figure out what type of pencil is used for what. Professional make-up artists are never limited to one lip pencil, but most often they have a whole set to cover all the requests and wishes of the client in full and achieve the best result.

So, a lip liner is used for:

  • creating a clear outline;
  • shape adjustments;
  • prolonging the durability of makeup (a waterproof lip pencil will be a great helper);
  • visual enlargement or reduction of lips;
  • for brighter lip color, and mixing shades to create the desired (a brown lip liner will help achieve what you want);
  • prevent spreading (ideal in this role is a pencil for lip color);
  • as a base (look for a nude lip liner for this purpose);
  • changing the proportions of the upper or lower lip.

What lip pencils do makeup artists use?

When choosing professional lip pencils, several parameters should be taken into account at once - composition, color, manufacturer, and material (wood/plastic). First of all, the composition speaks about the quality of the pencil - it must contain caring and protective components (vitamins, oils, natural extracts). LaCordi lip pencil, presented in our store, is made from environmentally friendly, natural ingredients - wax and oils (cotton and palm).

The manufacturer also plays an important role. Make a decision in favor of pencils only from trusted companies with a clear indication of the composition, place of production, and expiration date.

In the Beauty Hunter online store you can buy a long-lasting lip pencil from the best manufacturers:

  • PROVG;
  • Art Visage;
  • LaCordi;
  • Miss Claire.

It is also important to consider what material the lip pencil is made of. Wooden ones are harder on their own and need regular sharpening (like the Provg lip liner). Silicone pencils (with the addition of silicone) do an excellent job of smoothing out the texture of the skin. And the third category - is plastic (with an automatic retractable mechanism). They are much softer and similar in texture to lipstick.

Benefits of buying in the Beauty Hunter online store

You work every day to create beauty for your clients, emphasizing their natural beauty. Beauty Hunter was created to emphasize your professionalism. We have gathered in one place all the bestsellers and newest brands of professional lip cosmetics to help you save time on your search, turning the choice of cosmetics and tools into total pleasure. A convenient search on the site and sections will help you choose the right products - from the caring balm, lipstick, gloss, and brushes for applying them to lip pencils.

Beauty Hunter is more than a beauty hunt. This is your space of like-minded people who enjoy everything they do while caring about the ratio of quality and price.
