Payment methods for orders

All orders with international delivery are shipped after receiving full prepayment for the goods, including the delivery cost (international shipments are not available with cash on delivery).

Available payment methods for orders with international delivery:

  • International money transfer (PayPal, Revolut, SWIFT, Western Union, and other payment systems);
  • Invoice link for payment through payment systems Liqpay or WayForPay;

The minimal order amount for international delivery is 40 USD/EUR.


International delivery of orders

You can place an order with international delivery. The available methods for international shipment are:

  • International delivery through UkrPost from Ukraine with receipt through the internal postal service of the recipient's country;
  • Fast international delivery with Nova Post (Poland, Moldova, Germany, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, Italy, Great Britain, Spain).


International parcels are dispatched twice a week: on Tuesdays and Fridays after confirming the payment for the order.

After the shipment of the order, you will receive a Tracking number, which you can use to track your parcel.


International delivery from Ukraine to the recipient's country's post office

Delivery is carried out to the recipient country's post office branch or to the address by the postal service courier of the recipient country.

Delivery time: 7-30 working days.

The shipping tariff from Ukraine starts from 7 USD.

To calculate the tariff, the actual weight, type of package, and declared value of the order with the "Priority" shipping type are used.

Cost calculator for international delivery by UkrPost


A more accurate calculation of the delivery cost will be provided by the manager when processing and confirming your order.

Please note! The recipient's country may charge a customs fee of 23% of the declared value of the parcel.

The destination post office and customs reserve the right to reevaluate the contents of the shipment during selective cargo verification. The customs duty is paid by the recipient upon receiving the parcel.


International delivery with Nova Post

Delivery is carried out to Nova Post branches or by courier to the recipient's address in Moldova, Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Romania, and Germany, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, Italy, Great Britain, Spain.

Delivery time: from 3 work days.

Please note!!  Orders placed and paid for on the site are automatically transferred to the warehouse for shipment without confirmation.

The shipping tariff from Ukraine is 16 EUR (cost of delivery for a medium-sized parcel up to 10 kg with address delivery).

To calculate the tariff, the higher value of the actual or volumetric weight of the shipment is used. The tariff for parcel delivery is calculated per 1 unit and includes the overall delivery from Ukraine to the recipient's country.



Delivery rates by Nova Post to European countries


Country Delivery to Nova Post branch or post office Delivery to address Shipping costs Free shipping Estimated delivery time
Poland + +


post branch 65zl

from 550zl / 115€ from 3 days
Moldova + +


from 115€ from 3 days
Germany, Czech Republic + + 22€ from 190€ from 5 days
Hungary, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia + 22€ from 190€ from 5 days
United Kingdom, Italy, Latvia, Estonia, France, Netherlands + 36€ from 250€ from 5 days
Austria + 29€ from 190€ from 5 days



Parcels with a declared value up to 45 EUR are delivered to Nova Post branches in the destination country or to the recipient's address.

Parcels with a declared value exceeding 45 EUR are exclusively delivered to the recipient's address.

Please note! For parcels with a declared value exceeding 45 EUR, the recipient's country will impose a customs duty of at least 23% of the declared value of the shipment.
The destination post office and customs reserve the right to reevaluate the contents of the shipment during selective cargo verification. The customs duty is paid by the recipient upon receiving the parcel.


Nova Post Global imposes certain restrictions on the transportation of hazardous, prohibited goods, and items that are not accepted for shipment:

  • Medicines (some types of anesthetics containing lidocaine);
  • Alcohol-containing cosmetic products;
  • Flammable substances and goods in pressurized containers.


Order inspection upon receipt

In case you receive a parcel in an improper condition or damaged state, please record this with the courier or at the destination post office by creating an acceptance-transfer document with photo evidence of the damage and contact our manager to resolve the issue.


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 Call to +380931700988
