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Elan Brow Book (electronic Ukrainian version)

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24.44 EUR
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The first brow book was developed by the ÉLAN team for those who are planning to learn a new profession and brows who want to improve their professional skills. This is an indispensable product in which the procedures for modeling, coloring, toning, laminating, lightening and flexing the eyebrows are disassembled step by step. The ÉLAN BROW BOOK contains information on all ÉLAN products that brow artists need for their beauty treatments.

"ÉLAN BROW BOOK" will help specialists learn how to choose and use products for beauty procedures correctly, taking into account the wishes of the client and analyzing the condition of the eyebrow hair.


The first ÉLAN BROW BOOK contains:

  • schemes for constructing the correct shape of the eyebrows;
  • step-by-step instructions for beauty procedures;
  • recommendations of eyebrow specialists with many years of experience;
  • peculiarities of the use of ÉLAN's author's methods when performing beauty procedures with eyebrows;
  • methods for correcting the asymmetry of eyebrows of different nature.

If you have any questions while working with your brow, you can always find the answer in the ÉLAN BROW BOOK.


*The book is available only in Ukrainian versions


**After purchase, the manager will open the reader's access for your email to the electronic version of the book on Google Drive. Expect email notification. All orders are processed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Прагнула підвищити свою професійну кваліфікацію. Ця книга незамінний продукт, у якому поетапно розібрані процедури моделювання, фарбування, тонування, ламінування, освітлення брів. Все дуже доходчиво і якісно. Дякую!
Четко и по делу, без воды и ненужной информации.
После оформления заказа связался менеджер, скинул реквизиты и уточнил почту, на которую открыть доступ.
Информация полезная как новичку так и мастеру-тренеру, стоит каждой гривны.
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You can always contact customer support and get professional advice from Beauty Hunter managers.

  • Assistance in the selection of professional materials for eyebrows, eyelashes, lash extention, permanent make-up and depilation;
  • Competent advice on the choice of dyes and compositions for lamination and long-term styling;
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